Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween decorating easy idea

Cute Owl Pumpkin

"Hoo" says a pumpkin can't be trendy? This easy-to-create owl pumpkin requires no intricate patterns or pumpkin-carving skills and is an adorable way to greet Halloween guests and trick-or-treaters.

Materials Needed:

  • large orange pumpkin
  • medium orange pumpkin
  • 3 small white or yellow pumpkins/gourds
  • sharp knife
  • toothpicks
  • newspaper
  • tablespoon
  • permanent marker

Choose Pumpkins

Choose one large pumpkin to serve as the body of the owl and three small white or yellow pumpkins or gourds to act as the eyes, beak, ears and feet. Choose an additional medium-sized pumpkin, as well.

Cut Pumpkins

Cut two of the small pumpkins in half. Use a tablespoon to remove pumpkin flesh. The bottoms of each of these pumpkins will act as the owl's eyes.

Attach Eyes

Push two toothpicks into the front of the large pumpkin where the eyes will be positioned. Gently push the bottom halves of the small pumpkins onto the toothpicks.

                                                   View: Halloween Owl Pumpkin          View: Halloween Owl Pumpkin

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